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We deliver to any UK Mainland address for £5.95.


Unfortunately, we cannot currently deliver to Northern Ireland or addresses outside the UK 


Orders will take 3-5 working days to arrive, unless product is stated as a pre-order. Gift sets may be up to 2 weeks due to personalisation.


Please note that someone over the age of 18 needs to be at the delivery address to sign for the parcel.


We do not offer returns on products which are not faulty or damaged.

However, if any products that we send to you are faulty or damaged we will replace them or reimburse you for the expense, including the cost of delivery. Please inspect your order upon arrival and contact us immediately if the item is defective, damaged, or if you receive the wrong item, so that we may evaluate the issue and make it right. If products are faulty or damaged, we require that you tell us within a 7 day period of receiving the products, with photo evidence. All refunds and reimbursements will be paid within 30 days of your notifying us of your wish to return the products. Any product returned must be adequately packed to avoid any further damage.

Unfortunately, we cannot accept returns on sale items or gift cards.

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